Friday, January 31, 2014

Ashley Milana                                                                                                            1/28/13
Ms. Scardina                                                                                                   Period 3                                              How to see Past a Silly Fictional Romance and Focus on Reality!
Are you disappointed that your Edward Cullen and Jacob Black haven’t fought over you yet? Did prince Charming skip your house and you never got to try on your glass slipper? Sorry honey, but you’re not alone. Many teens today have hopes and dreams that they would meet their prince charming, and everything would turn out magical in the end “Together Forever”.  I’m not being hypocritical I too am victim of falling for the prince in the movie or the mystical angel in a book. But, how many teens do you see actually turning out like there Main Character in the latest New York Times best seller. Some teens need to get real; No vampire name Edward is going to watch you while you sleep and promise to devote his life to you, or the preppy jock after his Football victory picks you from the crowd and swoop you off your feet, believe me I can only wish that would happen. In my many years of school I remember every girl in 7th grade wanting to be part of the Hunger Games just so they can have their Peeta and Gale to fight for them. But, who would want to be in the Hunger Games, they literally have to kill one another to survive in harsh conditions and brutal combat!? But don’t worry after everyone you love is killed you still have your man. I get that the thought of having that perfect romance is a dream come true to some girl, including me, but we all know something’s can’t really happen. Hopefully you’re still reading and not too discourage that I’m downgrading your dream, but somebody has to slap some sense into you!  If you’re ready to stop your heart form breaking and the pounds gained from the ice cream you consume watching the Notebook, continue reading my “How to see past a silly Fictional romance and focus on reality” step by step guide! (That’s a mouth full!). Trust me throwing away the ice cream will lead to something worse, like pure Chocolate.
First, step on your recovery. If you’re in the book store and you’re desperately trying to pick up on reading, avoid book titles that have the words, love, kiss, passion, romance, and Twilight and the three miserable sequels after it, and if you already have these book donate them to your mother, she’ll appreciate it. These titles also go along with TV show titles as well. One TV channel that you should avoid for sure is Lifetime, the channel for the lonely and depressed and where you can consume the most chocolate. They might look tempting but now that if you give in you’ll hit a collapsing point and it will be hard to recover. Trying watching Discovery channel, or read about how grass was made. I’m just messing with you! Try to find a show that entertains you, maybe a comedy like Workaholics, where the men are far from dreamy but hilarious. Just don’t watch a show where you would do anything to be the girl with a perfect boyfriend even if her life is filled with angst, because lets be real these girls are not the right in the head after all the drama.
Second, step to recovery. When you walk into school in the morning, after you’ve whipped the crust from your eyes from tiredness since you decided to writing a paper that you had two weeks to do till the last minute, look around what do you see. Well, let me tell you, probably drowsy students who also did the same thing as you last night, or students so caffeinated they can’t even walk straight. But oh! There’s that boy who looks like Zeus minus the lighting. He may look like a God but his attitude may need some cleaning up, and if you agreed with me, listen to this. Do really think Zeus and his posy of Gods is mature enough to dedicate their lives to you, like a sparkling vampire.  Do you think you two will have a serious relationship at 17 or, 23 where you two have matured more? No matter how mature he is in your eyes I doubt a 16 year old boy wants to talk about marriage, they can barely commit to their homework. Just think about it.
Third and final step: Really take a moment and think to yourself, in the comforts of home do you really need a committed immortal man today, in your prime time. Now, I’m not saying to go kiss and party with every boy you see, but wouldn’t it be nice to think “I can be independent and sane and not drool all over a fictional character.” If you do find a boy of interest and he’s not your Edward Cullen or Harry Styles, don’t pull a Taylor Swift and write a song about his immaturity and stupidity. Or! Please for the love of everything good don’t pull a Miley Cyrus and cut off all your hair in retaliation because of a bad break up. Take a deep breath, I’m not saying you can’t feel a little puppy love at a young age, but don’t mistake a fictional character type romance for a real man, since half the time these “teens” on TV are 34 and still not mature. Be reasonable this is reality; don’t reject every boy who isn’t your Edward. You have time to find your Edward, oh bad example, How about you Ryan Gosling, you still have time, you’re only a teen after all.

I wrote this for a English project and I thought it was pretty good I hope u guys like it

Sunday, December 15, 2013

During my sisters dance performs at saint aidens it was in the jolly spirit of Christmas, we're I learned a brief lesson about god for the first 20 minutes. Being reminded that I don't remember my prayers I was scowled by my parents, especially my mom who's excuse for not saying her prayers was she doesn't know them in English and she's been here for 22 years. Once the prayers were over and the story of Jesus birth was done we we're ask to participate in a song that the staff would dance too. This song has genius lyrics my favorite line was "give a high five to your friends because God said so" and I swear the lyric spoke to me. Finally the show started all the girls were cute but most of them really took the weather seriously and froze on stage. Other then that the girls were filled with smiles and eagerness to get their parents attention by yelling out their names.My sister was amazing and we gave her flowers that were the perfect shade of a un- ripe banana, I'm not even joking. Never the less I'm very proud of my sister!

Friday, December 13, 2013

While looking back on my photos of the city trip, I want to share my favorite experience and my least favorite things. First, I hate the subway! It has all the components I dread, it's gross, everyone's packed together I feel like I'll fall on my face when the train starts to move its just horrible. But, I guess I have to get use to it. Anyway the city awesome and freezing even though I'm pretty I killed my feet that day, it was still an awesome experience, I just loved the museum and the play, not what I expected. I waited for the plot to jump in but it never did, just one big metaphor on how miserable and boring life is, but either way I loved it, mainly Patrick and Ian' bromance married couple thing they had together. To end of on a cheesy note, I can't wait to go back to the city and learn how to use the transportation their better.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

My sister and I are going to the spooky walk for kids in 10 minutes. Instead of being a princess she wanted me to make her look scary. Never done makeup and its not the best but I thought I might show you how adorably scary she looks!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

This weekend after a long sickness I was able to go over to my aunts house for a barbecue since the jets were on tonight. I'm still at my aunts house writing this. So me and my cousins after a long sit down of playing GTA 5 went to go outside and do something, like normal kids. So bored out of our minds we played with bubbles. After words going back to the internet we decide to search up cool magic acts and tricks with bubbles like this as ridiculous as this may look and the questioning on how people would pay money to watch a bubble show boggled me so we moved on to the next video in the suggestions box that led to this really gross but was interesting to us. this video again led us to the viral video on YouTube
 this is a video that gives you step by step instructions in the art of how to win a bet, which I find to be not only funny but genius. So all these random videos led me to something horrible to do but informative. Of course I wouldn't do this for money, but its funny to play a trick on friends once in a while

Sunday, September 15, 2013

My cultural Old lady painting is going well. Today I had finally convinced my mom to take me to Michaels after the car had come back form being broken? I don't know how but that's not the point. I go into Michaels to find the paint I want to finish, but once I got to the paint idle their was a limited amount of colors! How the hell does an arts and crafts store have such little paint. I was already having a tiresome morning and this just killed it completely. So I ask the lady in the front who reeked of cigarettes if they had more paints in the back or in storage. She didn't even bother to look and me and answered no. Getting even more pissed off I buy what little paint I had and now have to get more tomorrow after school to get the bigger bottles of paint. So my painting schedule didn't turn out so well at first.
 Once I finished all my homework I was forced to go outside to paint so that I wouldn't get my room dirty. Once started to paint I felt better and focused on what I wanted to do. I started off with the base of the coat and plotted out what I was going to do for a pattern to make it look more realistic. I had also added more modpog on the background since everyone was telling me how much it looked like wood. To be honest, at first I tried to make it a one color base but I'm pretty proud of how it turned out and look the wood texture it gives of, since I'm aiming for a texture styed portrait. Tomorrow I'm going to start on the skin and with definition and color I will make the wrinkles. The modpog looked really nice on the coat, I hope it looks well on the skin too!